NDIVS Research and Education seeks to include information and research from many disciplines, thereby accelerating the understanding and acceptance of neurodivergence worldwide.
NDIVS Research and Education seeks to include information and research from many disciplines, thereby accelerating the understanding and acceptance of neurodivergence worldwide.
The NDIVS/ai can perform a search to locate a psychotherapist or psychologist who specializes in neurodivergence-related psychopathology, i.e., co-occurring disorders. The scope is global and the search makes use of artificial intelligence (AI) resources. Non members may want to check out the following links. disclaimer
Neurodivergent Therapist Directory
A US-based directory with listings for the 50 states and a few countries.
A directory with listings for the United States and United Kingdom.
Therapist Neurodiversity Collective
A directory with listings for the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and Ireland.
Dr. Megan Ann Neff of Seattle, WA lists the following clinical resources on her website Neurodivergent Insights:
✦ Neurodivergent Insights Directory: A directory of therapists, coaches, and occupational therapists who are members of the Neurodivergent Insights Learning Nook. These professionals are committed to neurodivergent-affirming practices, and many are neurodivergent themselves.
✦ ND Therapists is a Neurodivergent Directory of openly neurodivergent therapists (newer, but grows weekly!)
✦ Association of Neurodivergent Therapists (a UK directory!) An organization created by neurodivergent therapists advocating for neurodivergent rights. They are anti-ableist and anti-racist and support gender and sexual diversity. You can find their directory here.
✦ Inclusive Therapists is a Directory of justice-oriented therapists. You can filter by specialties, insurance, and whether or not they provide a sliding scale. Click here for autism.
✦ Therapy Den is a directory of progressive therapists. You can use our search tools to find therapists who specifically identify as “neurodiversity-affirming.” You can also filter your search by other specialties and accepted insurance.
✦ Directory of Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) Affirming Providers
✦ Neurodivergent Practitioners: A directory of neurodivergent coaches and practitioners.
✦ ND Couple Therapists This list of therapists includes clinicians who have completed the Neurodiverse Partner Institute’s training.
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The following resources are recommended by Dr. Valerie L. Gaus in her recently published book, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy For Adult Asperger Syndrome (review and details). disclaimer
Autism Spectrum Quarterly at Starfish Specialty Press LLC
The Autism Perspective (TAP)
Spectrum Magazine at Spectrum Publications Inc.
Autism Asperger Publishing Company
Future Horizons, Inc.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Several hundred books have been written by individuals or family members of individuals on the autism spectrum. This short list is comprised of my preferences for patients who are newly diagnosed or reading about AS for the first time.- Valerie Gaus
Grandin, T. (1995). Thinking in pictures and other reports from my life with autism. New York: Doubleday. Available in the NDIVS Bookstore
Grandin, T. (2004). Developing talents: Careers for individuals with Asperger syndrome and high functioning autism. Shawnee Mission, KS: Autism Asperger. Available in the NDIVS Bookstore
Newport, J. (2001). Your life is not a label: A guide to living fully with autism and Asperger syndrome. Arlington, TX: Future Horizons. Available in the NDIVS Bookstore
Paridiz, V. (2002). Elijah’s cup: A family’s journey into the community and culture of high-functioning autism and Asperger syndrome. London: Kingsley. Available in the NDIVS Bookstore
Prince-Hughes, D. (2004). Songs of the gorilla nation: My journey through autism. New York: Harmony Books.
Shore, S. M. (2001). Beyond the wall: Personal experiences with autism and Asperger syndrome. Shawnee Mission, KS: Autism Asperger. Available in the NDIVS Bookstore
Shore, S. (Ed.). (2004). Ask and tell: Self-advocacy and disclosure for people on the autism spectrum. Shawnee Mission, KS: Autism Asperger. Available in the NDIVS Bookstore
Willey, L. H. (1999). Pretending to be normal: Living with Asperger syndrome. London: Kingsley. Available in the NDIVS Bookstore
Willey, L. H. (2001). Asperger syndrome in the family: Redefining normal. London: Kingsley. Available in the NDIVS Bookstore
Zaks, Z. (2006). Life and love: Positive strategies for autistic adults. Shawnee Mission, KS: Autism Asperger.
These organizations deal specifically with AS or cover the whole autism spectrum but include information about AS and autism in more capable individuals.- Valerie Gaus
Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism Association
Asperger Foundation International
Asperger Syndrome Education Network (ASPEN)
Autism Network International
Autism Society of America (ASA)
Autism Speaks
Global and Regional Asperger Syndrome Partnership (GRASP)
More Advanced Individuals with Autism/Asperger Syndrome and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (MAAP)
National Association for the Dually Diagnosed (DD/mental illness)
The National Autistic Society (United Kingdom)
Online Asperger Syndrome Information and Support (OASIS)
Organization for Autism Research (OAR)
This list includes tools and sources of worksheets that are useful in an adult psychotherapy setting.- Valerie Gaus
Attwood, T. (2004b). Exploring feelings: Cognitive behaviour therapy to manage anger. Arlington, TX: Future Horizons. Available in the NDIVS Bookstore
Attwood, T. (2004c). Exploring feelings: Cognitive behaviour therapy to manage anxiety. Arlington, TX: Future Horizons. Available in the NDIVS Bookstore
Cambridge University. (2004). Mind reading: The interactive guide to emotions [DVD and CD ROM set]. Cambridge, UK: Author.
Cautela, J. R., & Groden, J. (1978). Relaxation: A comprehensive manual for adults, children, and children with special needs. Champaign, IL: Research Press.
Faherty, C. (2000). Asperger’s: What does it mean to me? Arlington, TX: Future Horizons.
Gray, C. (1995). The original social story book. Arlington, TX: Future Horizons.
Gray, C. (1994). Comic strip conversations. Arlington, TX: Future Horizons. Available in the NDIVS Bookstore
Hénault, I. (2005). Asperger’s syndrome and sexuality: From adolescence through adulthood. London: Kingsley. Available in the NDIVS Bookstore
Hamilton, I. S. (2004) An Asperger dictionary of everyday expressions. London: Kingsley. Available in the NDIVS Bookstore
Innovative Interactions. (2000). Talk Blocks. Available online at
Myles, B. S., Trautman, M. L., & Schelvan, R. L. (2004). The hidden curriculum: Practical solutions for understanding unstated rules in social situations. Shawnee Mission, KS: Autism Asperger.
Winner, M. G. (2000). Inside out: What makes a person with social cognitive deficits tick? San Jose, CA: Author.
Winner, M. G. (2002). Thinking about you, thinking about me. San Jose, CA: Author.
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